Saturday, April 6, 2013

Initial Creation

I am Heidi Moorhead.
Full time college student, part time procrastinator, seldom slacker.
For as long as I can remember I have enjoyed arts of all sorts, but my favorite form of creation had to be manipulation. Photo manipulation to be exact! In middle school a friend of mine had shown me what a "photoshop" was and ended up putting Photoshop CS2 on my computer to play with. From there he showed me what awesome things you could do with websites and began planting ideas for other various ways to design.

Needless to say, at the incredibly mature age of 11, I used my photoshop powers for terrible evil and made it a habit to manipulate photos of my friends through the convenience that was given to me on MySpace. Doing terrible, hilarious things to my friends (like posting them on improper bodies, distorting faces, and even going as far as placing faces on goats!) paved the way to my more serious endeavor - actually achieving a successful career in Graphic Design.

Refining my manipulation to silly photos of my cat, Mac, in front of a pile of meat at my parents dining room table is one of the few things that I continue to do. (I totally have more if you want to see them!) I have been working on other aspects of art to help better all of my skills - beginning with improving my traditional art skills. I've recently come to find that painting has been the medium that was missing to complete my art of words in poetry. I have been writing for about as long as I have been playing with Photoshop.

I tend to favor crosshatch - which is simply the most fun for me. The sketch to the left is a portrait of my brother's friend, Sam. He's a pretty interesting kid. Its things like this that I have been working on - I'm debating the exact subdivision of Graphic Design that I have been wanting to do and still haven't quite decided. I enjoy illustration, layouts for print, and have been leaning towards web design but I've always had a thing for the marketing aspect of advertisement.

No matter what I end up doing, I'm looking forward to adding to my skills and finally having the opportunity to continue my education in school. When all is said and done, its the actual learning that I enjoy - the best part is that this is what I love to do.

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