Monday, April 8, 2013

Secondary Creation

This is my (work in progress of) video of Mani-Stache.
Brandon Manipon, growing his very own hair.
This is a work in progress of my video - the issues that I ended up come across were the loooong long long save times in flash. The conversion to a flash layer for the video has created hideous interpolation (fake pixels from the depths of hell) and about 90% of the time Flash tells me that it is not responding. All while staring at a screen that I am not even touching! Bah! Needless to say the frustration is pointless as I wait, and wait some more, and then after all that waiting,
I continue to wait.

I was attempting to mimic a paint-brush effect from a Photoshop file in Flash. Using animation, drawing skills and some brainpower I have accomplished the first half of my video. I definitely would have felt more accomplished had I actually gone to class - that will teach me for being sick!

After all of this wait time and scrambling, this is what I have completed!

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